Troop 120 Adult Leader Training

"Every boy deserves a fully trained leader."

To best deliver all that Scouting strives to achieve, a leader must be trained. This is the foundation on which we build these young men to become future leaders with values and ethics of high moral character. Troop 120 is proud of its record of fully trained leaders, and we welcome you to our ranks. Please follow the steps below to begin your leadership journey.

1. Review the Troop 120 Leaders Guide to learn more about our approach to leadership in Troop 120.

2. Have a conversation with the current Scoutmaster. It’s important for us to get to know you a little and for you to understand the role and expectations. You can also get your questions answered before committing.

3. Youth Protection Training. All leaders must complete this mandatory training before registering. Click the hyperlink to establish an account using your Scoutbook credentials. YPT is available on the main page after you log in. Upon completion, forward a copy of your completion certificate to the Membership Coordinator, Meenal Kale. Currently training must be renewed every 2 years. There are additional youth protection resources online here, and we encourage you to take advantage of this supplemental training.

4. Leader Specific Training. Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters must also complete the online portion of leader specific training (search for “Scoutmaster position specific training” in the catalog) before we register you to be a leader. To be fully trained, SM and ASMs must also attend the Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS) class (a 2-day, overnight course) within the first six months. Committee members also have position-specific training in the online catalog. Our local council and district provide all training that is not available online at various times throughout the year. We encourage you to also take advantage of as much supplemental training as possible. For example, when we take a boating trip we are required to have leaders trained in water and boating safety.

5. Complete required forms. Necessary paperwork depends on your current status with BSA and your desired level of involvement (adult leader versus merit badge counselor). Submit all forms to the Membership Coordinator, Meenal Kale.

  • If you are not a registered adult leader, submit the BSA Adult Application form. Please complete pages three and six. Please also submit a screenshot of your YPT status.

  • If you are already a registered adult leader with BSA, submit page three of the BSA Adult Application form, a Transfer Form, and a screenshot of your YPT status to properly be associated with Troop 120.

  • If you want to be a merit badge counselor, fill out the BSA Adult Application and the Merit Badge Counselor form. Please also submit a screenshot of your YPT status.

  • Turn in the BSA Medical Forms A & B for yourself. Part C is only required for summer camp.

  • If you are already a registered merit badge counselor and you want to stay a merit badge counselor, you do not need to submit any paperwork to be a merit badge counselor for 120. Keep YPT current.

We ask that you wait to start leading in the Troop until all the above steps (except for IOLS) are complete.

Additional Resources: